Sears Leasing Space In Their Stores

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Sears Leasing Space In Their Stores

Post by Alpha8472 »

Sears has realized that it has to make money some how. Sears Holdings has worked out in-store leases with Edwin Watts Golf Shops, Work 'N Gear, a uniform apparel store, and the Whole Foods organic grocery chain. They are leasing 15% of the Sears store in Costa Mesa to Forever 21. Forever 21 will be inside of Sears.

There will be also be a Whole Foods inside of a Sears store also. The concept of a supermarket and Sears together is not a new idea. Fred Meyer combines a department store and a grocery store. With Sears it will be two separate businesses, but it will be one stop shopping. Buy some department store items and then get some groceries while you are at it.

Whole Foods Market caters to people with higher incomes than regular supermarkets. Whole Foods markets are very popular. Whenever you drive by Whole Foods, it is packed. Having a Whole Foods inside of Sears will attract many more customers. People go out of their way to shop at Whole Foods. ... es_fortune
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